
FU Lin
Tel: 86-10-62773885
Fax: 86-10-62770544
E-mail: [email protected]

Engaged in the study of  district heating (DH) system, natural gas combined cooling, heating and  power (CCHP) system, urban energy planning. In the field of district  heating, committed to the industrial waste heat utilization, proposed a  new district heating mode based on the Co-generation-based absorption  heat-exchange (Co-ah) cycle, which evaluated as an original in novation  in DH field by the Ministry of Science and Technology; presided over the  first research topics on gas CCHP system funded by 863 national goal  oriented project, which evaluated as an international leading level by  the Ministry of Education. Researches focused on the evaluation,  configure and operation of CCHP system and a new process of CCHP to  recover the flue gas condensing heat has been proposed; take the lead in  the research of urban energy planning with dynamic simulation and space  distribution method to enrich urban planning field, and a software  platform for energy planning simulation has been developed. Presided  over more than 20 research projects in the above research, including  Nation Science and Technology Support Plan of Peoples Republic of China,  National 863 Hi-Tech Programs, National natural science foundation of  China and major issue of Beijing; presided over more than 20 consulting  projects of energy planning; published more than 100 academic papers;  applied more than 60 Chinese and international invention patents; Won 5  awards at the provincial or ministerial level, including the first prize  of Beijing Science and Technology Award.



城市供热新技术与设备研究Urban  Heating New Technology Research and Equipment Development天然气分布式能源系统研究Combined  cooling, heating and power (CCHP) systems

城市能源规划与评价研究Urban  Energy Planning


School of Engineering for  Thermal Energy and Power, Shandong University of Technology, 1991,  Bachelor in Engineering

School of Engineering  Thermophysics, Shandong University of Technology, 1994, Master in  Engineering

School of Heating, Gas,  Ventilation and Air Conditioning, Tsinghua University, 2000, Doctor in  Engineering


Teaching Assistant, School  of Engineering Thermophysics, Shandong University of Technology, China,  1994-1996

Postdoctoral, School of  Architecture, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China, 2000.9-2002.3

Lecturer, Department of  Building Science and Technology of School of Architecture,  2002.4-2003.12

Associate Professor,  Department of Building Science and Technology of School of Architecture,  2003.12-2009.12

Professor, Doctor SupervisorDepartment  of Building Science and Technology of School of Architecture, 2009.12

Director of Department of  Energy Planning and Design, Beijing Tsinghua Tongheng Urban Planning &  Design Research Institute


中国城镇供热协会技术委员会委员Member  of Technical Committee, China District Heating Association

北京供热协会技术委员会副主任委员Vice  Chairman of the Technical Committee, Beijing Heating Association

中国建筑学会建筑热能动力分会理事Director  of Thermal Power Branch, Architectural Society of China

中国电机工程学会热电专业委员会委员Member  of the New Technology , Electrical Engineering thermal Professional  Committee                 

《暖通空调》编委 editorial member of Journal of  HVAC

《区域供热》编委 editorial member of District  Heating

《热电技术》编委 editorial member of  Cogeneration Power Technology

美国机械工程师协会(ASME)第四次能源可持续发展大会(ES2009)分布式能源分会(Track12)主席(Track  Chair Track  Chair of 2009 ASME INTERNATIONAL MECHANICAL ENGINEERING CONGRESS &  EXPOSITION



[1] Undergraduate courses

Heating Engineering and  Boiler, core course

Cognition Exercitation,  compulsory course

Gas Application, selective  course

Combined cooling, heating  and power (CCHP) systems, selective course

Urban Energy Planning and  Assessment, selective course

Recent Advances in HVAC,  selective course

[2] Undergraduate course design

Essay Training (11 students)


[1] Integration and  demonstration of central heating cogeneration technology  based on  absorption heat transfer (Nation Science and Technology Support Plan of  Peoples Republic of China)

[2] Research and  demonstration on the key technology and equipment of urban heating  energy efficiency upgrade system(Nation Science and Technology Support  Plan of Peoples Republic of China)

[3] Application research on  central heating system combining urban heating network with geothmal  energy (National natural science foundation of China)

[4] Research and  demonstration on key technologies integration of low-carbon urban energy  efficiency upgrade (Nation Science and Technology Support Plan of  Peoples Republic of China)

[5] Collaborative research  and demonstration on efficient waste heat recovery and utilization  technology based on cogeneration (National International Cooperation of  Science and Technology special project)

[6] The  strategic research  on future development of urban energy systems (National Natural Science  Foundation of China)

[7] The Efficient  Technology and Application of Natural Gas Combined Cooling Heating and  Power System (National 863 Hi-Tech Programs)

[8] Demonstration Research  on Waste Heat Recovery in Power Plant (The Key Projects of the Beijing  Municipal Science and Technology Plan)

[9] Research and  Demonstration on Waste Heat Recovery Technology in Power Plant (Nation  Science and Technology Support Plan of Peoples Republic of China)

[10] Research on the  relationship between construction of large-scale heat source and heating  operation security in Beijing the 12th Five-Year Plan

[11] The policy research on  the natural gas development in Beijing the 12th Five-Year Plan

[12] The Efficient  Technology and Economical Application of Natural Gas Combined Cooling  Heating and Power System(the Fok Ying-Tong Education Foundation, China )

[13] The Optimization of  Urban Energy system and Simulation Technology of Urban Infrastructure  (National Key Technologies R&D Program for the 11th Five-Year Plan)

[14] Energy Saving Diagnosis  and Retrofit of Heating System in China's State Organs (Ten of the  National Energy-Saving Projects )

[15] The Technology Research  and Application on District Natural Gas Combined Cooling Heating and  Power System (The Key Projects of the Beijing Municipal Science and  Technology Plan)

[16] Urban Energy Planning  and Dynamic Simulation Technology of Beijing City (Beijing natural  science foundation of China)

[17] Sub-topics of the key  technologies of the Green Building: Research on Building Combined  Cooling Heating Power System (Nation Science and Technology Support Plan  of Peoples Republic of China)

[18] Research on Energy  Planning for Olympic Park


[1] The Project of Waste  Water Recovery System in Power plant of Datong

[2] Energy Planning of  Bio-Medicine Park for Daxing District in Beijing

[3] Integrated Regional  Energy Planning in Sino-Singapore TIANJIN ECO-CITY

[4] Research on Strategy  for Urban Energy Planning in Bin Hai

[5] Natural Gas Development  Planning for Jinan City

[6] Heating Planning for  Yinchuan City

[7] Urban Energy Planning  for Nanning City

[8] Heating planning for  Jinan City


[1] District heating system  based on Co-ah cycles in combined heating and power systems, the first  prize of Beijing Science and Technology Award in 2012

[2] Research and  Application of Recovering Remaining Heat of the Cold-End of Steam Power  Units by Using Absorption Heat Pump,the third prize of China Electric  Power Science and Technology Award in 2012

[3] A Method for  Simultaneously Achieving heat regulation and heat metering, the second  prize of Beijing Invention Patent Award in 2010

[4] A New Process  Experiment Project of District heating system based on Co-ah cycles in  combined heating and power systems, the first prize of Chifeng Inner  Mongolia Autonomous Region Science and Technology Award in 2009

[5] Supported by Program  for New Century Excellent Talents in University,and award for the New  Century Excellent Talents,2009

[6] Demonstration of Waste  Heat Recovery in Power Plant for ShiLiquan, and awarded for the second  prize of the ADVANCED SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY AWARD OF HUADIAN CO.Ltd.,  2008

[7] The New-Star of Science  and Technology supported by Beijing Metropolis,and award for the  New-Star of Science and Technology,2006

[8] The Efficient  Technology and Economical Application of Natural Gas Combined Cooling  Heating and Power System, and Project supported by the Fok Ying-Tong  Education Foundation, China ,2004-206

[9] Study on Civil Heating  Supplication and awarded for the third prize of the ADVANCED SCIENCE AND  TECHNOLOGY AWARD OF Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development of  the People’s of China,2006

[10] The Technology and  Demonstration of Solution Dehumidification, and awarded for the second  prizethe of ADVANCED SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY AWARD OF Beijing,2006


[1] Heating Planning for  Jinan, and awarded for the second prize for excellent planning and  design in Shandong province,2008

[2] Heating Planning for  Jinan,and awarded for the National Outstanding Award in recognition of  urban and rural planning and design,2007

[3] Natural Gas Development  Planning for Jinan, and awarded for the first prize of survey and design  expenses in Jinan,2007


[1] A  review of working fluids of absorption cyclesRenewable  and Sustainable Energy Reviews2012,01Sun,  Jian, Fu, Lin, Zhang, Shigang

[2] A  new "wireless on-off control" technique for adjusting and metering  household heat in district heating systemApplied  Thermal Engineering,2012,04Liu,  Lanbin, Fu, Lin, Jiang, Yi

[3] New  waste heat district heating system with combined heat and power based on  absorption heat exchange cycle in ChinaApplied  Thermal Engineering2012,05Sun,  Fangtian, Fu, Lin, Zhang, Shigang, Sun, Jian

[4] Performance  study of an innovative natural gas CHP systemEnergy  Conversion and Management2011,01,Fu,  Lin, Zhao, Xiling, Zhang, Shigang, Li, Yan, Jiang, Yi, Li, Hui,  Sun, Zuoliang

[5] Major  issues and solutions in the heat-metering reform in ChinaRenewable  and Sustainable Energy Reviews,  2011,01,Liu, Lanbin, Fu, Lin, Jiang, Yi, Guo, Shan

[6] General  thermodynamic performance of irreversible absorption heat pumpEnergy  Conversion and Management,2011,01,Zhao  Xiling, Fu Lin, Zhang Shigang

[7] A  new type of district heating method with co-generation based on  absorption heat exchange (co-ah cycle) Energy Conversion and Management2011,02,Li,  Yan, Fu, Lin, Zhang, Shigang, Jiang, Yi, Xiling, Zhao

[8] A  new type of district heating system based on distributed absorption heat  pumpsEnergy,2011,07,Li,  Yan, Fu, Lin, Zhang, Shigang, Zhao, Xiling

[9] Experimental  study on vertical vapor absorption into LiBr solution with and without  additiveApplied  Thermal Engineering,2011,11,Fu  Lin, Sun Jian, Shigang, Zhang

[10] Performance  improvement of a 70kWe natural gas combined heat and power (CHP) systemEnergy2010,02,Zhao,  X.L., Fu, L., Zhang, S.G., Jiang, Y., Li, H.

[11] Application  of an exhaust heat recovery system for domestic hot water Source Energy,  2010,03,Liu, Lanbin; Fu, Lin; Jiang, Yi

[12] Study  of the performance of an urban original source heat pump systemEnergy  Conversion and Management,  2010,04,Zhao,  X.L.; Fu, L. et al

[13] Performance  calculation of single effect absorption heat pump using LiBr + LiNO3 +  H2O as working fluidApplied  Thermal Engineering,2010,12,Sun  Jian, Fu Lin, Zhang Shigang

[14] A  mathematical model with experiments of single effect absorption heat  pump using LiBr-H2OApplied  Thermal Engineering,2010,12,Sun,  Jian, Fu, Lin, Zhang, Shigang, Hou, Wei

[15] Maintaining  uniform hydraulic conditions with intelligent on-off regulationBuilding  and Environment2010,12,Liu,  Lanbin, Fu, Lin, Jiang, Yi, Cuo, Shan

[16] A  Novel On-off TRV Adjustment Model and Simulation of its Thermal Dynamic  Performance. Building Simulation, 2009,02,LB.  Liu*, L. Fu, C. Wang, et al

[17] Urban  Building Energy Planning with Space Distribution and Time Dynamic  SimulationJournal  of Solar Energy Engineering2009,03,  L. Fu  ZH Zheng HF Di, Y  Jiang

[18] Laboratory  research on combined cooling, heating and power (CCHP) systems  Energy Conversion and Management2009,04,  L. FuX.L.  ZhaoS.G.  ZhangY.  Jiang, etal

[19] Dynamic  simulation of space heating systems with radiators controlled by TRVs in  buildingsEnergy  and Buildings2008,09,B.P.  XuL.  FuHF  Di

[20] Energy  utilization evaluation of CCHP systemsEnergy  and Buildings2006,03,H.  LiL.  FuY  Jiang

[21] Field  investigation on consumer behavior and hydraulic performance of a  district heating system in Tianjin, ChinaBuilding  and Environment2009,02,BP.  XuL.  FuHF.  Di.


[23] PERFORMANCE  STUDY AND ENGINEERING PRACTICE OF URBAN ORIGINAL SEWAGE SOURCE HEAT PUMP  SYSTEMActa  Energiae Solaris Sinica2010,11,Zhao  Xiling, Fu Lin, Zhang Shigang, Lai Zhonglian

[24] Practical  research of natural gas CCHP systems with heat pump, Journal of HVAC,  2009,02, Fu Lin, Zhang Shigang, Zhao Xiling, Sun Zuoliang,  Li Hui and Geng Kecheng


[26] Urban  energy system analysis based on ecological footprint theoryJournal  of Tsinghua University(Science and Technology),  2009,12ZHENG  Zhonghai,FU Lin,DI Hongfa

[27] Test  and analysis of heat loss through open windows in heated residential  roomsJournal  of HVAC2008,03,  Li Jingmei, Fu Lin and Di Hongfa

[28] Cost-effectiveness  Analysis of a BCHP(Building Cooling,Heating and Power) System by Using  an Incremental MethodJournal  of Engineering for Thermal Energy and Power,  2008,05, FU Lin,JIANG  Yi

[29] District  heating system based on Co-ah cycles in combined heating and power  systemsJournal  of Tsinghua University(Science and Technology),  2008,09FU  Lin,JIANG  Yi,ZHANG Shigang

[30] Dynamic  modeling of radiators with various flow ratesJournal  of Tsinghua University(Science and Technology),  2008,12,  XU Baoping, FU Lin, DI Hongfa


[1] Analysis of Central  Cooling of Heating network in summer, ISH China, 2010.3, Beijing

[2] District heating system  based on Co-ah cycles in combined heating and power systems, Symposium  on urban issues of Sweden and Chinese Academy of  Engineering,2009.6,Stockholm

[3] An Analysis of the  Application of Heating Using Absorption Heat Pump, Beijing Heating  Forum, 2009.5,Beijing

[4] Urban Energy Planning  with Time Dynamic and Space Distribution, Annual Conference of Building  Thermal Power Engineering, 2005.10,Harbin

[5] Energy-conserving  Potentiality Analysis of the Central Heating System, Annual Conference  of China heating,2006.5,Hangzhou

[6] Analysis on energy  consumption of urban heating in China, Annual Conference of Branch of  the Building Thermal Power Engineering, 2009.4,Beijing



[1] The Technology and  Application of Natural Gas Combined Cooling Heating and Power  System,China Architecture&Building Press,2007,FU Lin, LI Hui

[2] Study on reasonable use  of the natural gas transmission from the West to the East, China  Architecture&Building Press, 2009, Tian Guansan, Fu-Lin

[3] To Improve the Energy  Efficiency of Cogeneration Systems Approach, Higher Education Press,  2009, Jiang Yi, Fu-Lin

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